The Learning Factory 4.0 is in session

7. December 2018 |

Teaching in tune with the times – at the Learning Factory 4.0, the future is on the lesson plan

The pupils at the Ferdinand-von-Steinbeis School started training for the production of the future at the start of this school year: The Learning Factory was officially handed over to the Ferdinand-von-Steinbeis School on Friday, September 28, 2018. In addition to local representatives from politics and business, the State Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor, and Housing, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, was present and was clearly impressed by the project.

“Training and further education are key to shaping the digital transformation. Only through appropriate training can our young specialists and our employees keep pace with the times and not be overtaken by this development. The Learning Factory 4.0, which is opening today in Reutlingen, provides exactly this,” said the Minister of Economic Affairs at the ceremony.

At ZELTWANGER, we are proud of this excellent project and would like to thank everyone involved.

Further information:
Press article from the state Baden-Württemberg