Intelligent automation solutions 2018

4. July 2018 |

Welcome to the future: ZELTWANGER impressed the industries and visitors attending the leading trade fair automatica 2018 with its intelligent system concepts


Digital transformation in manufacturing, digital networking to create the “Internet of Things” – welcome to the fourth industrial revolution. The manufacturing industry is right at the center of this development – but it is still confronted with many questions: What will the digital transformation ultimately change? And what does that mean for the working world of the future? How far along industry leaders from the fields of automation, assembly, and drive technology are with regard to Industry 4.0 was made clear at the leading trade fair automatica, which took place from June 19 to 22, 2018. At the fair, ZELTWANGER demonstrated how to successfully position yourself with intelligent automation solutions in the Industry 4.0 era – and is very satisfied with the outcome of the event: “Lots of our customers and well-known business partners visited our stand and this instigated some interesting mutual exchanges of information about the industry,” says Sales Manager Martin Wagner.

A batch size of one will be standard in the future

Thanks to digitization and the increasing networking of individual production steps, production workflows are now more optimized and more unique than ever: Production has never been more efficient or more customer-specific. This requires automation solutions that can be flexibly equipped, are extremely adaptable, and continue to work reliably – both in terms of hardware and software.

Modularization and standardization make the difference

Modularization and standardization have been a major topic in plant engineering in the Industry 4.0 era for some time now. With modular products and standardized processes, customer requests can be flexibly executed and production chains can be adapted to virtually any requirement thanks to the modular system. The development and provision of such modular systems put the Dußlingen-based company ZELTWANGER with its intelligent system concepts right at the top of the innovation premier league. By standardizing its automation solutions, the company not only has extensive and constantly expanding expertise, but can also revert to tried-and-tested processes for every conceivable automation task. “The combination of automation and leak testing that we offer is unparalleled in the industry and is a unique selling point for us – from the market’s perspective,” says Rainer Paul, Product and Market Manager at ZELTWANGER.

One work cell, any number of possibilities

Versatile and customizable: ZELTWANGER has arrived at the plant engineering of the future with a trail-blazing machine concept for all kinds of assembly and testing tasks: The X-CELL. The work cell facilitates fast and reliable integration of production requirements, enables any processes to be combined easily, and, if required, has integrated quality assurance. The X-CELL is designed for core processes such as leak testing, laser welding, laser marking, or handling and can be individually expanded and networked as required. Reliable, flexible, individually expandable, and intelligent assembly and test concepts based on standardized processes and architectures for complex automation tasks: ZELTWANGER systems offer answers that so many companies are searching for in the Industry 4.0 era.

Press contact:

ZELTWANGER Automation GmbH
Jaro Zeltwanger
Maltschachstr. 32
72144 Dußlingen, Germany
Phone +49 7072 92897-701
Fax +49 7072 92897-777