Hollistoc leak testing from a single source

We are a technology and innovation leader in leak testing with air and tracer gases. Discover our extensive range of leak testing devices, customized solutions with advanced automation options, and flexible services.

With us, you get the full spectrum of leakage testing from a single source.

What makes us your ideal partner:

Holistic icon


Testing technology, accessories, automation, knowledge transfer and support: We provide you with the complete range of leak testing from a single source, also as a turnkey solution on request.

Future-proof icon


From pre-testing to series production: with our scalable solutions and services, we support you on your way into the future, true to the motto “From Lab to Fab”.

Manufacturing and assembly services icon


Leakage rate, geometry, test pressure, environmental factors – every test item has individual requirements. The same applies to your processes. Together we develop the optimum solution.


Are you working on a leak testing project?
Ask our experts about testing methods, equipment or procedures.